Hall - Stimulants - Treatment, Therapy, and Alternatives

- Stimulants - Treatment, Therapy, and Alternatives [Image] Retrieved from https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/stimulant-addiction/treatment-rehab/ While different stimulants can have varying effects, they have similarities as well. All stimulants affect brain neurotransmitters, and when misused, they can create a euphoric high for those who take them (Recovery Village, n.d.). All stimulants raise heart rate and blood pressure and speed up other essential functions controlled by the central nervous system. Stimulants are primarily addictive substances because they affect neurotransmitters like dopamine (Recovery Village, n.d.). This is what makes people feel high, and is also what triggers a reward response that can cause stimulant addiction. When someone is addicted to stimulants, there are different treatment options available. Regardless of specifics to the program, treatment should help people stop the compulsive use and seeking of stimulants or other substances they may b...